Deal breakers, what exactly are they? In essence they are those traits, habits, sayings, apparel, etc. that make a girl stop and think to herself "Oh hell no, this ain't gonna work out." So let me tell you, I'm new to the single game and have no clue how to "date" guys. But what I do know is what I don't like. A bit shallow and judgmental I admit but apparently I'm not the only girl who feels like this. So here is a consensus between Chloe, Thea and myself about things that are the epitome of deal breakers.
Seriously guys if you want us to think you're a fag then just type "hehe" or even worse "keke" when you text or talk to us on aim. Like really do you want to make yourself look like less of man? And do you actually laugh like that in person cause that's just plain scary. So here's some advice, please read your texts aloud before you hit the "send" button. Remember you're a man and I'm hoping real men dont laugh like a little B.
2) Being cheap
In no aspect am I a gold digger, I'm extremely proud that I can provide for myself. But sometimes, girls just want to feel like they are the girl! You don't have to shower us with gifts or even pay for the meals all the time, but damnn... if the only time you're taking me out is for happy hour, there's got to be a problem. I understand that its a recession and times are rough but hook me up with some red lobster or something.
3) Bathroom pictures
Myspace is dead and I think the whole taking a picture of yourself in a bathroom should be too, ESPECIALLY with your shirt off. All right, I understand that you're all guido and worked hard to get those abs of steal but do you really need to take a picture of yourself in the bathroom? And you know damn well that it took more than one shot to get the "perfect picture." So basically you're standing in your bathroom for a good 30 minutes trying to get you're angles right while your momma or sister is waiting for you to get out! Real talk, avoid the bathroom pic it really isn't appealing.
4) Ed Hardy, flip flops, affliction and anything else with sparkles, rhinestones and metallic iron ons
Need I say anymore? I mean COME ON, Ed Hardy and Affliction are by far the biggest signals that a guy is going to be a douche bag. It gets even better when they wear these tees with flip flops. Seriously, flip flops/man-dals/tschinelas should only be worn to the beach and if you're walking around your house. So please just say no to any of the above!
5) Chicken head friends
I have no problem with a guy having a lot of friends that are girls cause I have a lot of friends that are guys. But when all his friends are straight up chicken heads, then that's a problem. Yea I'm talking about the girls you see at clubs with the caked up make-up, banded dresses that are so high that their singit is showing, plastered like it's their first time drinking, and loud as fuck for no apparent reason. These are the type of girls I really don't need to know or want to get to know. Cause straight up a chicken will always go on with her chicken head ways and try to get up on your man. So please re-evaluate who you hang out with cause girls do take that into consideration.
6) Being "mayabang"
Call me a fob but damn that word perfectly describes the over confident and too proud male who in actuality is trying to make up for what he's lacking down there. It's cool if you're really talented or make good money but do you really have to flaunt your shit and belittle others? Honestly, to me the most appealing thing about a guy is when he's humble. He knows he worked hard for what he's got and doesn't need to wave it in other peoples faces. That is what I call attractive!
7) No ambition
All right, I think the last of my ranting & raving or actually straight up bitching will end with this final deal breaker of no ambition. Let's be real, we aren't getting any younger and our 20's are going by pretty fast, before we know it we'll be in our dirty thirties. The last thing a girl wants is a guy that has nothing going for him. No! I'm not asking you to be some MD, attorney or entrepreneur by the time you're 25 but it would be nice if you had some goals set up with a means to achieving them. Going to school is a start so i suggest you try it. We all know you guys have high hopes like the dudes in "How to Make it in America," but this isn't a TV show, this is reality. Get your ass up and DO WORK.
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